From East to West: Amazon AMA 2.9.23

Ever wondered why your product’s organic rank increases on Amazon after you advertise for a while? Curious what shoppers are looking for when they get on Amazon and how to drive up conversions? This AMA is for you.

Brett Bohannon, Founder of the best-in-class Amazon education platform Amazon With Brett, and Michael Maher, owner of the custom done-for-you Amazon service agency Cartology, are teaming up on the second Thursday of each month to answer all your burning questions about selling on Amazon. They’ve got details and they’re ready to spill their guts.

If you’re looking for fluff, you’ve joined the wrong event. If you have questions you need to get answered in order to drive results in your business, welcome. You’ve got 30 minutes.


Michael Maher  00:26

All right, welcome everybody from east to west Amazon AMA, the Amazon cowboy, and the Amazon janitor here to answer all of your, your Amazon questions what's going on, Brett?

Brett Bohannon  00:39

You know what, let's go on. I love I love the janitor. It's not as not as sexy, but it's very, it's very soothing.

Michael Maher  00:46

I think everybody needs an Amazon Janitor at some point. I don't know, if I'm gonna, if I'm going to stick with that, I think there's a lot of ways that you could you could brand yourself with Amazon. But there I was, I was just on a call with some people at Amazon talking about a catalog issue, something that you and I had for a client of my agencies, and at you know, even ran it by you on another call that you and I talked about. And, you know, there's a lot of reasons why something could mess up. And or, or, or not go through, we're honestly just trying to update content on a product detail page. And we've done you know, everything that the normal, normal stuff that Amazon asks you to do. But it's it's not it's not working. And so we told them, Hey, can you know, here's the problem we're having, and they're talking about totally different issue. And I'm like, it's not a flagged content issue. It's literally just not updating. But you need a janitor sometimes. But I think the cowboy thing is interesting, because I've heard many people talk about how Amazon is still the wild wild west. And what's crazy is the three P side of things. I want to say 2000 or 2001 was when they opened that up. It's been 22 years, it's been 20 plus years, and people are still saying it's a rodeo. That's kind of crazy.

Brett Bohannon  02:17

Yeah, it is kind of crazy. I think, Well, I think when people when people first termed it the wild wild west was because like, well, it still is but you know, you've got these people that are selling all over the place, buying at retail buying online arbitrage retail arbitrage and just slinging it on the on Amazon. That's I think that's why they got the wild, wild west kind of aspect out of it. And then what I think were the Amazon cuboid comes into play is exactly like you said, it's, there's so many issues. And you can ask Amazon, you can you can say, Hey, I got this problem. They're like, oh, cool, this is how you fix it, just delete it and re resubmit it. But hell no, it doesn't work like that. So it's like having, having someone that's, you know, like, Amazon COVID has been around and been been a been in the trenches for so long, and just being like, Okay, we'll try these steps. If that doesn't work, then we got to try these steps. And sometimes there's layers that that that are the issues, you know, other contributing factors. You know, and so there's

Michael Maher  03:20

so much to know, yeah, too. So it can be very complex. And I think I've said this a lot. And sometimes I think I'm just a broken record, but I think this stuff is still true. Amazon strategy, you know, the the like, here's what we're gonna do. That's, it's not that difficult. It's not It's definitely not rocket science. It's, it's, I don't even know if it's, if it's dissecting a frog, crazy, like, I feel like you could coach someone for an hour, and say, go out on stage and present about overall numbers and try to get people really hyped up. The execution is what it comes down to. And that is learned through experience or being with someone who's experienced who, who is experienced, I said, experienced a bunch, but someone who's seen stuff go wrong, knows what the, you know, correct stuff to do is and yet knows that that doesn't always work. And so,

Brett Bohannon  04:17

yeah, you have to try anything. I think there's, you know, our friend Andrew Morgan, posted something recently on LinkedIn about, you know, 25,000 hours. I don't even know what that relates to. But I mean, it just shows that like the people like you, myself, him and other people in the space, we've spent so many hours working on this, and I would like I don't know this off the top my heads, but how many hours of those have we worked on the exact same thing, but maybe in the beginning it took us you know, this is just generally speaking maybe in the beginning that one issue took us two hours to resolve and then after that, it took us an hour then after that took us 30 minutes and after that took us 10 minutes just because we kept doing it and we knew kind of able to learn from all those times that you did it for XYZ and did it for ABC, you know, again, that's very high level. But

Michael Maher  05:09

not, there's also, there's also issues like there's more sellers on the platform. That means there's a lot more happening in the back end Amazon's, like internal systems are taxed, I think more. And part of the reason I mean, this is this is an assumption I made, but Amazon wants you to shop quickly. I think part of that is because it taxes their actual web infrastructure less. And so they don't have to, part of part of the reason they don't give you maybe data on the ads platform past 60 days, taxes or infrastructure less, you can get that through third party service providers. So they're going to rely on that person instead of having to do the lifting themselves. And I think that's how they, they want and Amazon's going to try to do certain things, and they may move in on services or Sass companies and say, Hey, we're going to provide this now. But they're still gonna lean on those companies to to provide you with things. There's also like quality of support, has support gotten better or worse, I think most people would would say that it's gotten worse, why there's probably a lot, you know, a lot of reasons why there's all these compounding factors that make it more difficult to get something done. And to be clear, the issue that my agency is facing is, and my team has experienced, but we are just trying to create a we've created a listing or trying to update the content on it. And we've, you know, we're, we've done what we're supposed to do, we then go and create a support case with Amazon and say, Hey, we need you to like, update this information. They're telling us additional things they want us to do we comply, we do all those things, and it still doesn't work, then there's like, what's the next step that you? They have to do? It's simple things like title, whatever the case might be,

Brett Bohannon  06:48

did you? So we talked about?

Michael Maher  06:51

I mean, I honestly, I have to I have to I told my team. Exactly. You know, what we talked about, like, go in and actually look at the help and felt put the asin in there and do that. Yeah, just and then talked about getting the category report. And, and like full doing a full refresh, essentially. And what's funny is ever since for anyone who's had catalog issues, this isn't like, I think it's gotten a little more complex, but it's not new. I remember, in 2016 2017, you update content on something. And I would almost immediately just file a case and say, Hey, I just updated this information. Can you make sure it goes through? So like, because it was security that we knew it? Would it would actually get fixed? Yeah, I knew just

Brett Bohannon  07:35

just a little context for whoever's watching, when there's nobody or a bunch of people. Okay. Well, is that Michael and I have had these conversations, we have a little group conversation once a month. But the he was having issues and I said, Okay, first go into the back and go into help go through the workflow of trying to change something and put an ace in and try to change the title that way. That's number one. Number two is, if that doesn't work, download your category listing report, make sure you have all that information stored. Try doing a partial update with the asin as the unique product identifier. If that works great. If it doesn't work, then try doing a full update. Utilizing the category listing report and all the product information in there with the asin as the as a unique product identifier. Those were kind of the steps that that I went over with Michael so I just wanted to provide some context. And this episode is brought to you by Stanley No, I'm just kidding. It's not but that'd be cool.

Michael Maher  08:35

But maybe maybe it could be I think you're right, though, whether people are alive or not. Hopefully, at some point, they will end up watching and let's let's say that this time next year, we'll have a 1,000% increase and the people that are doing that's, that's I think that's pretty doable.

Brett Bohannon  08:52

I think if I keep wearing this hat people will come.

Michael Maher  08:56

I also agree with that. Alright, so let's let's talk about some of the questions that we have. I'm gonna give you a little shout out here. If you guys like what you're hearing, go to Amazon with and sign up for the newsletter, the Amazon cowboy is at your service. Let's talk about one of the questions that we got today. Which is why don't you share with what you got?

Brett Bohannon  09:20

Oh, man, I'm gonna pull back up

Michael Maher  09:23

out of it. I'll type in in the chat here. So

Brett Bohannon  09:26

chat I think it had to do

Michael Maher  09:29

about FBA tools or tools for FBA. What are

Brett Bohannon  09:32

some new FBA tools? And what are our top five tools? That is, I think that is I guess, I'll go first that's a broad question because tools Yep, can can just like everything with tools can do different things. So there's tools depends on

Michael Maher  09:51

who the audience is. Are you an agency or you sell yourself this question was specifically about FBA sellers.

Brett Bohannon  09:56

Yeah. So there's there's tons of tools Who's out there? I'll name off. I'll just name off five in no particular order. I don't think there should be an order because I think it's based on what you use it for. But I'll lump these two together Helium 10, JUNGLE, JUNGLE scalp, you know, there's debates on those, whatever, whatever your preference is, I think those are two tools, either one that you should be using, for different various reasons, keyword tracking, I can go all the way to inventory, you can do all kinds of stuff. I guess another one that I would say I really like smart scout. I've been able to dive into that a little bit more. It's, it's really awesome. On the category level, I guess the way you could kind of sum it up, is it like Keepa on steroids where you can kind of look into the category of subcategories. How many, you know how many sellers are in there and etc. I think I think smart scouts are pretty cool. Pretty cool tool. I like all the advertising tools. You know, I use PAC few more than I use the others. I use Perpetua pack for you. I like advertising tools, because it helps. There's other tools que POC is a new one on the market that I you know, Elizabeth over jungler uses a bunch I've talked to them a bunch of times I know that people that develop that. It's a rad tool. It's a very encompassing as well. I used to use Salix years and years ago as an agency model. So one of their main sales guys went over to Cape hawk. I haven't been able to use it personally. But I have the ability to and I need to. But I heard it's really awesome. How it was

Michael Maher  11:51

cute, right? I think that's

Brett Bohannon  11:53

okay, POQ. There's a couple other ones that are starting to get on the market that are pretty cool. I can't I don't want to talk to him right now. But I'll maybe we'll follow up with that a little bit later. But um, what other ones? What other ones do I use on a daily basis? Kiba Kiba. us all, I'm just

Michael Maher  12:16

gonna say it. Here's the thing, there's a lot of tools out there. And they all some of them do a lot of like similar things. Keepa is an example of a software that's been around for a really long time. It's not the UI doesn't have a ton of updating on it, but it gets the job done. One of the things that, especially if you've got a larger catalog or for myself or managing a lot of different products, and so we utilize Keepa I think it's like 20 bucks a month. I mean, it's it's pretty, it's pretty inexpensive, so almost anybody can afford it. But you we we set up like alerts like hey, do we want to be notified if a new review was posted? Or are we seeing someone hop on the buy box, whatever the case might be, even if you are looking at your brain 24/7 You cannot possibly capture everything that's going on there all kinds of changes that are happening on Amazon. I've heard Chad Rubin talk about how Amazon changes price, you know, million plus times a day. So there's a lot of things that are happening. But we set up we'll get it I can get an email from Keepa and I set it up to go directly into Slack channel so that people can go in and track and look into it that way. It makes it super easy to get those kinds of to get those kinds of alerts.

Brett Bohannon  13:33

Yeah, keep it keep us old school. I remember when Keepa was free and then they started charging. It was a big

Michael Maher  13:38

uproar, but remember Keepa and camel camel, camel,

Brett Bohannon  13:40

camel, camel camel. I'm sure that's still around and probably being used by some of the OGs. But yeah,

Michael Maher  13:46

either way for anyone who doesn't know OG stands for original cowboy. Oh, no.

Brett Bohannon  13:52

Original cowboy. Oh, ACS original Amazon cowboys. Yeah, but going back, I lost my train of thought. Um, yeah, keep it keep it cool. Because you can, if you if you studied Keepa you can kind of see like, where some issues might have taken place where you can see like, if review counts just dropped like Amazon basically for VPS just dropped. Either reviews got taken away, or Amazon split up variations. And you can kind of like go in there and use that as like an identifier. Basically say, hey, like something happened here. And this is what Let's go. Let's go triage and figure out what happened. That's why I like Keepa because I've used it for so long. There's other ones too, like I've there's other software's like helium 10 Jungle Scout, there's Zeus it's kind of underground. It's they do a good job in certain areas. There's seller eyes that does good jobs in certain areas. So there's tons of different ones out there that do similar stuff. i You said Ruben I think his prophase I've never used it, but it's it's, it's a pricing tool, right? I mean, Chad Rubens Chad Reubens like the OG is the OG comes. So I mean, what he's done in the space is great. So prophase would probably be a good one that

Michael Maher  15:18

prophecy, I believe prophecy is that sorry, as you say, Yeah,

Brett Bohannon  15:22

I'm a cowboy. I'm horrible. Yeah,

Michael Maher  15:24

hey, you don't have to you don't have to pronounce stuff. So shout out to Chad Rubin for prophecy. I think one of the interesting things about and I've seen some of the, a little bit of the work of the tool, I'm not currently using it, but to to and I think if you are a an Amazon native brand, or that's a big chunk of your sales, Amazon is Amazon to Chad's point. Amazon changes price. million a million plus times a day. If Amazon who is a retailer, is changing the price multiple times a day, why would you not change price? Now I know that people think about price as a static thing, or I want to maintain brand integrity, and I don't want my price to drop. But I think I think, you know, there's a lot of people who have a high price point and then run a promotion or run a sale. And that's maybe ultimately what drives the sales there. But if if being dynamic is pricing being dynamic, and pricing is one of the tenants of what's made Amazon great, and you're not doing that, are you potentially doing yourself a disservice. And I think that's why. You know, there's a lot of talk about chat GPT. And I'm going to not comment on that. But it's it's a, it's just because everyone is, but it's a it's an, you know, an AI tool. And that term gets overused and misused a lot. But AI has been around for a while. But there's no Isaac Asimov iRobot yet, let's just let's just be clear, there's no like takeover happening quite yet. But But AI is, I heard a screen app ready of the CEO of intent wise, which is an ad software that I love, we use, we use it to set up really easy rules like, hey, we know we want to bump this, we know we want to negate this. And set those things in a regular cadence. They also have great analytics, which is one of the reasons why I like content wise, especially for our agency, we can really easy, easily give access to the clients on analytics and drill down on things if we want to. But one of the things that that Serena said is like, your auto suggest in your text, like that's AI. I also think that you know, so you can type a whole sentence out without ever really saying much my daughter's actually done that to like my wife, she'll like get on my phone and send a text that makes no sense. Like, I came back to the place and I can make a good time for you. So it's always interesting to see what that says, what I what I actually think is interesting about that is who's paying for their brand name to be in there, like there are certain things that you start to type in and like a brand name will show up. Or something that like I've never typed before I sent a text back in November to Daniel to Hana. I was meeting him out in out in San Diego, just meet him for coffee. And we're talking about business. Great dude runs a really cool advertising agency called straight up growth, and they definitely get straight of growth for people. But I said something like, Hey, I'm here now. But when I typed in now it autocorrected to now sourcing. And I was like, What the hell? Why is why is this autocorrect into now sourcing. But anyway,

Brett Bohannon  19:03

I think what the AI stuff is because I mean, all these software's that we mentioned advertising specifically they have it they have aI like you do. And I think it's as powerful as the user. And what I mean by that is there's there's good and bad you can set up the AI but you have to put the guardrails. So it's user input it so you can't have aI without the user. So for instance, I use jet GTP I have a I now on my notion, and I use it because I'm horrible at spelling. Like I'm downright horrible at it. Yeah. And so I use it to help me spellcheck like literally just like just like Microsoft Word and just like Google Docs, like I use it to help me spellcheck and sometimes I'll even use it if I'm like, I don't feel like writing or like doing this post or whatever, I'll help. I'll help it sound better. Like I will be like, can you make this sound a little bit better? Because it just doesn't like I'm not in the flow of things. I I think that's, that's, that's beneficial. But again, if you're just like, hey, write me write me five bullet points on this product, they're gonna be like, okay, cool, they'll just read five bullets. It's like you can't use it, you have to really drill it down. And there's, again, Chad Rubin, I think had a really good step for reviews. And like, you know that some of this stuff goes over my head, some of these people are really intelligent, just on what they do with Chad GTP, because they just have that kind of mindset and ability, all that kind of stuff. But, um, but I think it's very user dependent. And I think that's where it will continue to go. And it always will be. Go, yeah, and it's just hot right now. It's, and it's also it's only up to like, 2020, I think. So it's like, it's almost like two years that it's not intelligent on. So

Michael Maher  20:48

the what I and I could be wrong about this. But the chips that the chat GPT was based off of our chips that are like two years old, the actual technology that's behind it. So yeah, they're not even totally caught up yet.

Brett Bohannon  21:03

But Microsoft bought like 49% stake, and I guess they rolled out being like, like Google, Bing, and Bing is going to have chat GTP jet chat GTP in it now.

Michael Maher  21:15

Being good things start to get more than 1% of the search. So market, we'll have to see,

Brett Bohannon  21:20

I wrote this on Twitter the other day was that basically, like Bing, Bing is pre loaded on Windows computers. And really, who buys Windows computers is mostly the older generation, you know, boomers and up, I think that's probably changing. But there's some third, like when I was working at our old digital marketing agency, that one of their silver bullets was literally like, Bing Ads for that certain demographic, because they don't know how to uninstall it and install something else. So they just use Bing, basically. So I found that interesting.

Michael Maher  21:52

So one of the tools that I like, and I think it's cool, and this could be good for anyone. There's a new tool called Percy. And I think there could be potentially some similar tools out there. But Percy is a listing writing software that is specifically for Amazon. So you can go in and say, Hey, here's like some information about the product. I mean, it's very similar, like chat GPT type technology, say, Here's some information about the product, go in and write something about this. But it will do it in an Amazon listing format, I think super reasonable. From a price standpoint, the technology is the software is continuing to update regularly. So it's, it's it's gonna, like you know, a year from now, I think it's gonna look a lot different. And the one of the benefits of getting in a lot of these tools that are new, is, and I'll repeat, I'll put this on LinkedIn, on Twitter, or wherever, and toggle the people who've been mentioned in this. So you can, you know, find them as a resource. If you're watching this, and it's on LinkedIn, every everyone's been put in the comment section. I'm telling the future right now. But if you're in on these on some of the software's that are new, you get to give feedback. And you can say, hey, I don't like this. I do like this, if you do start to leverage some of these newer software's makes it really easy to do now, with something like Percy, you can have it right on its own, but you still have to be the one that that that oversees it and says hey, does this make sense? Is it actually giving the USPS? Is it is it doing all the things that I is it really saying all the things that I want it to do? That's a another important one?

Brett Bohannon  23:42

Yeah. And another one that while we were talking, I just chatted to you to Michael's carbon six.

Michael Maher  23:47

So they if we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about carbon sino

Brett Bohannon  23:50

we don't I don't I mean, we should start becoming affiliates for all these people. My goal truthfully, really should but but I was talking to a gentleman in the space yesterday or a couple days ago, but obviously carbon six is basically a SAS roll up service and they've got good people behind it. They're doing a good job. One of them I used to use seller tools a lot back in the day. And man, what's his name that started going and I haven't talked to him in a while but I'm one of them from carbon six that I just got introduced to his seller investigators. So it's basically just being able to give back

Michael Maher  24:30

you know, it's all that reimbursement software reimbursement software.

Brett Bohannon  24:33

Yeah. But carbon six is I think having you know, their tools they they do a good job and you know, they got a good team behind them. So I think carbon six is always a good thing to look at.

Michael Maher  24:46

So seller investigators is a tool. See what else I know that I use something called with my agency called refund sniper. Good Tita is another one what It's interesting about a lot of these reimbursement software's and for the person to ask the question about, you know, top, top, top software's or top top tools, excuse me for, can't speak for FBA sellers. And really, I think it's just any brand on Amazon. That's kind of how I see it like FBA is, is not a business model. It's just a method for getting your product to brands. And it's really effective, because Prime members convert very, very often 70% of the time when they get on the site, they convert an average ecommerce conversion rate on your site. That's good. You're on direct to consumer site is 3%. Well, and that's, I think that's a common misnomer. People say, oh, I want to get all of my I want to get all of my sales off Amazon onto my site, you can't do that. Because they're going directly to Amazon, they trust Amazon, they don't trust your site, they're gonna convert more anyway, long story short is when when, when you're selling on Amazon, and you're utilizing FBA, Amazon sometimes damages goods or loses goods, they don't always reimburse you for that. If you want to create, especially in a time when people are fearful of a recession, I don't know that we're actually in one. But when people are feeling fearful of that, and I think just good business principles anyway, are how do you get your bottom line to increase if Amazon owes you 1000s of dollars, and you're not doing something to leverage that, to get that money back, then you're you're missing out on additional money in your pocket. So I think one of the most important tools that any seller right now, if they're not leveraging any kind of reimbursement software, they should absolutely be working with someone. And the best part is they go and find all the money for you. And all they ask for is a percentage of that money that they get back. It's lost money anyway.

Brett Bohannon  26:50

Yep. Sorry, I did that. No, I It's really funny. I was talking to this brand that I help. They do almost a million dollars per month on Amazon. But did you know the CEO was like, Hey, I just need to get notified of some stuff. Is there? Is there software out there. And I literally was just on carbon six. And I was like, oh, AMZ alert, like I again, I have no affiliation with this, but I'm like, that's perfect. And the pricing is pretty, pretty relatively good. I mean, it's pretty decent per month, like, you know,

Michael Maher  27:22

what does the dealer do?

Brett Bohannon  27:25

Again, I just hear I'll just straightforward Oops, no, hold on. Basically, automate listing monitors with 24/7 alerts, protect your business with real time inventory alerts, listing alerts, negative review alerts, and more, all in one dashboard. Looks awesome.

Michael Maher  27:40

Okay. And that's like, that would be like a keep on steroids. Because it's doing the inventory side.

Brett Bohannon  27:44

Yeah, as well. Yeah. So it's like, you know, the this brand was the biggest thing was like, Okay, I want to know, when we're out of stock, because we shouldn't be out of stock. We don't have any issues anymore, blah, blah. And I was like, yeah, we can internally, you set up those kinds of little notifications and whatnot. But this one seems like it's a little bit better, truthfully, so I'm gonna send it to them and be like, Here you go. found a solution for you. Look at that. Yeah.

Michael Maher  28:11

I'm sorry. Okay, AMZ alert, automated listing notifications. Here's the thing. And I, you know, I honestly, I think this as we grow this AMA, which is, which is fully my intent, and I believe it is yours as well. This is a free resource. People charge good money for their information, rightfully so because it's information and knowledge that they've acquired over time. But I think one of the most important things for me, as a person in the Amazon space, as a service provider, as an agency owner, is providing good quality information, educational information that can help people, not everyone's my, my target client that we're going to help and, you know, sign on our agency. That's okay. But I genuinely and Brett Jen, I'm just going to speak for Brett, Brett genuinely wants genuinely wants to help you to succeed. So if you have a question, join us next time in this AMA. If people start showing up, we might do it more often, you might get more free information. But the goal is to see a lot of people succeed. And I saw this morning on LinkedIn, John durkins, who is was super active on Twitter, but also on LinkedIn. Yeah, very smart dude posted about how brands people say you can't build a brand on Amazon. But he disagrees and he mentioned a couple brands like anchor and simple monitor and stuff like that. And people were like, okay, so you picked a couple outliers. That doesn't mean you can build a brand on Amazon. It's like, okay, right. You picked a couple of like people who've done it well, and I'm not going to like go into all of that. But the one thing I will say is people are are saying You know, first of all, it's like people who work regularly with Amazon. I'm like, you know, if you don't think you can build a brand and Amazon, why are you even? Or even doing anything but you can't build a brand on Amazon, we're also dealing with what are what should people be doing and what are they actually doing? And so there's a lot of things that people are doing, but maybe they shouldn't be doing and that's part of what this ama is about is hopefully giving you some perspective on what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing because there are definitely while there are, you know, many ways to skin a cat or skin a plant for other PETA people, or for the people that don't eat plants, skin, some water, there's plenty ways to skin something. But there are definitely things that you should not be doing. Yep, yep. Cool. I think we came up with a lot of good software's. I'm excited to tag these people and get eventual sponsorships for our AMA and maybe we can, maybe this time next year, we envision casting, maybe we can we can have a live ama rodeo, where we get real bowls, and no horses. That would be that would be dope.

Brett Bohannon  31:10

I've got three children basically that's what I what I wrangle you are you are a cowboy

Michael Maher  31:14

of all sorts. Well, lots of tools. People are lots of things that you can use. This has been from east to west by the way for anyone who doesn't know I live more on more on the East Coast. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. And Brett is currently in Bend Oregon, but I believe shares his time between Are you back in San Diego. No shares this time between Bend Oregon and San Diego. So west coast. So we're bringing it from east to west coast. keepin it real with Amazon. This is live. I like the live format because anything goes

Brett Bohannon  31:50

anything I don't know. Watch my mouse sometimes.

Michael Maher  31:53

All right, well, I'm gonna leave you with this Brett is on cowboy yeah, thank thanks for

Brett Bohannon  32:00

don't forget, guys. Don't forget Michael is an Amazon Janitor.

Michael Maher  32:08

Okay, maybe I'll get some beer. I'll get some shirts made that that replicate that. But thanks. Thanks for joining me, man. I feel like hopefully these conversations are impactful. And if there's something you want to hear next time, I will leave a link to I'll leave a link to the form that you need to. You need to log your questions into I'll try and put it in. I'll try and put it in this chat here if I can, if I can figure it out. But yeah, well we'll add that to look at my phone and see if I can like do it. It's weird. You can copy and paste on your you can copy on your iPhone and then paste it directly into I can do it directly into my Mac. Those darn robots aren't robots. Hey, man. They're everywhere. All right. Well, thanks for joining us, everybody. It's been fun. It's been real. And keep it salty. I don't know what let's just let's just say that's the end of it. There you go. Keep it salty people.